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Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada

Shoda Kanai Shonin

Photograph & Credit :: Los Angeles Times (March, 2013)
In June 2015, Shoda Douglas Kanai Shonin was installed as the
new Head Priest of Kannon Temple. He previously was in Japan studying and training to beceome Shuhosshi.

Photograph :: Dai Aragyo Do
Nakayama - Japan
Aragyo ( 100 days ascetic practice.)
In order to become a Shuhosshi (certified priest to perform Kito blessing) of Nichiren Shu, one must complete one-hundred-day training starting on November 1st at Nichiren Shu Kegyosho to receive hidden teaching. This training includes a famously difficult session called Kanchu Suigyo, practice of cold water purification in winter.
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