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This Month's Nichiren Shonin's Words



おのずから よこしまに  降る  雨は あらじ

Onozukara Yokoshimani Furu Ame(wa) Araji

Rain never falls wickedly of its own accord


= No One is Born Evil =


   When rain slams against the windows, it can be noisy and unsettling. Rain normally falls straight down, but the wind gives it a trigger (aid) and hits the window.

   It’s the same with humans. Some people commit crimes due to financial difficulties from hardships in life. Others who are blinded by greed deceive people or lose the ability to make rational decisions. While some hurt others with words. Although we are naturally honest people, we are twisted by our environment, betraying ourselves and causing suffering to others.

   All people are born with pure hearts with no malice. Let’s go back to the beginning of “existence” and build a world where goodness spreads and everyone can live happily as their true selves. The starting point for this is the new Nichiren Shu slogan “Praying to Life” (Inochi ni Gassho), which shows gratitude and respect for all beings.


“Misawa Gobou Gohenji”

   A letter written to Monk Misawa in Suruga the year after Nichiren Shonin entered Minobusan. Although it is only a few lines long, it shows how many believers came from Sado to visit Nichiren to listen to the important teachings of the Buddha.


Twelfth year of Bun’ei (1275)

Age: 54


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