Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada

The Pagoda with Inscription of Odaimoku and two Buddhas or Itto Ryo Son
These statues symbolize Sakyamuni Buddha preaching the Lotus Sutra as revealed in Chapter 11 (Beholding the Stupa of Treasures) of the Lotus Sutra. They are an Odaimoku tower inscribing “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” in the center, a statue of Many Treasures Buddha on the right side and a statue of Sakyamuni Buddha on the left side.
But’Ten-gai 仏天蓋
This is a celestial canopy or umbrella that hangs from ceilings of the temple above the Buddha statues. The ornaments are flower petals and bells. It also symbolizes the Buddha Land. Chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra says, “Lo! This world of mine (the Buddha’s) has gardens and palaces, adorned with all kinds of gems and jewels, and trees abounding with blossoms and fruits. It is, indeed, the land of bliss. Gods are beating heavenly drums and playing a variety of celestial music. They are also raining heavenly flowers onto me and the multitude of devotees”