Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada

Nichiren Daishonin

Statue of Nichiren Shonin on the Altar of the Kannon Temple:
According to the engraved letters on the back of the statue, it says, “Engraved in the third year of Sho-ouh (1290) by Nichizo.” Nichizo was a Nichiren Shonin’s grand-disciple who was directly requested to expound the Lotus Sutra in Kyoto by Nichiren at his deathbed. Nichizo was only 13 years old at that time. Later he fulfilled his grand master’s sincere request. As a result almost the entire people of Kyoto practiced chanting the Odaimoku, even the emperor recognized Nichizo’s temple as an official temple of prayer for the emperor’s family.
Rev. Shokai Kanai took pictures of the statue and showed them to Professor Akiyama of Rissho University to find out its authenticity by showing the picture of the letters on the back of the statue. According to him, “It is hard to tell without looking at the real statue.” I thought the black statue is caused by smoke of incense for many centuries; however, Proffessor Akiyama said that it was custom painted black during a certain period of Japanese history.
We are not sure of the authenticity, but I still honor and adore the statue as it has a long history and respected by countless number of devotes.

Statue of Nichiren Shonin
Explaination, right paragraph.
Wooden Statue of Nichiren Shonin.
Enshrined at the main alter.