Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada

Dharma Essays by Rev. Shokai Kanai
In October of 2008 Shokai Kanai Shonin published his past Dharma Talks in a volumn titled "Dharma Essays".
It was April 16, 1964 when I first stepped on American soil. Since then, over fortyfour years have passed. To commemorate this anniversary, I would like to present my sermons, speeches, and lectures during those years. “Dharma Essay,” is a compilation of my sermons and lectures delivered at the temples in Salt Lake City, Utah, Seattle, Washington, and Los Angeles, California in the past. . . .

Click below to download "Dharma Essay" in English PDF
Introduction to Buddhism
April 8th is Buddha Sakyamuni's Birthday
How Can a New Born Baby Walk?
The Seal of the Three Laws
Three Bodies of Buddha Sakyamuni
Amibition in the New Year
Bon-no (New Year's Eve)
Three Lives of Maitreya Bodhisattva
Buddha's Statue Is Smiling
Revenge and Forgiveness
The Four Desires
Inequality of Human Beings
Many Buddhas
Middle Way
Middle Way and Higan Memorial Service
We Are Buddh's Children
Hatred Is Overcome by Compassion
Observe One's Mind
Eternity, Happiness, Freedom and Purity
Heaven and Hell
Take the Proper Amount of Food
Two Thousand Ancestors
Unaccepted Gift
Various Viewpoints
Worshipping the Moon
Mother Has Only "En" to Bare Her Child
How to Shine Your Mind
Understanding Others' Problems and Concerns
Wedding Ceremony in America
Middle Way
Pracice as the Sutra Revealed
Let Us Respect Others
Do Something Good for Others
Selfish Prayers
There Is A River
Immortal Identity
Born in This World with a Purpose
The Virtue of Holding Memorial Services
The Seventh Day Services
Memorial Service Prayer
Importance at the Time of Death
Aging and Death
Services after One's Death
A Guide into the Region of the Dead
Scripture Reading for the Dead (In-do-mon)
Salvation from Cycle of Birth and Death
A Funeral Message
Abortion and a Memorial Service for the Unborn Babies
750th anniversary of O'Daimoku
Statue of Nichiren Shonin
Nichiren Shonin and His Relationship with the Saicho-ji Temple
Izu Exile
Pine Forest Ambush
Tatsu-no-kuchi Execution
Sacred Mountain, Minobu
Pilgrimage to Nichiren Shonin's Memorial Sites
O-E-Shiki and Mando
Meaning of "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo"
The Sacred Title Is the Light
O'Daimoku Is a Wonderful Remedy
One Breath - One O'Daimoku
Erecting a Daimoku Monument
Seven Practices of the Sacred Title
Enjoy Chanting O'Daimoku
Diety Daikoku
Lecture at the Shamiko
Three Lives of Maitreya Bodhisattva
Reality of All Things (The Insight of the Buddha)
Meaning of Difficult to Understand in Chapter Two
A Piece of Paper (Ten Such-ness)
Three Different Vehicles of Understanding
One Great Buddha Vehicle
Three Virtues of the Original Buddha
A Penniless Man Becomes a Billionaire
Compassionate Rain
The Parable of the Magic City
Bodhisattvas from Underground
Never Despising Bodhisattva
All contents within these Dharma Talks, Sermons, Lectures and Dharma Essays is the copyrighted property of "Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada". Please obtain permission for use or reposting of these articles. Permission is granted under certain specific instances. Please contact the Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada for further information. phone/fax (702)866-5956 email: kannontemplenv@gmail.com